There are a number of wellness programs running at the PA hospital

Kind hands massage
A select team of volunteers now offers gentle hand or foot massages to patients on Ward 2E and in Day Care Oncology. This new service is being trialled on Tuesdays and Thursdays, in the morning and afternoon.
Ward 2E and in Day Care Oncology
Tuesdays and Thursdays, in the morning and afternoon

Laryngectomy Support Group
The Laryngectomy Support Group has been established to support people who have undergone specific head and neck surgery. The group is facilitated by a Speech Pathologist working in ENT. This program offers a supportive environment to talk about experiences and gather information on a range of topics eg Communication, Swallowing, Diet and Nutrition, Radiation Therapy, Exercise.
1D Conference Room, First Floor, Main Block, PA Hospital
First Thursday of each month (except no meeting in January)

Lymphoedema Therapy
There are a range of physiotherapy and occupational therapy services at the Princess Alexandra Hospital which assist people who have developed lymphoedema as a result of cancer or its treatment. These services offer education, treatment and ongoing support for eligible people diagnosed with lymphoedema. Please ask your doctor or nurse about a referral if you are experiencing symptoms of lymphoedema.
Multiple referral options at the PA Hospital
No set time

Exercise wellness
Exercise has been proven to assist in the reduction of the symptoms of cancer and cancer treatment. It can improve strength, endurance, flexibility, balance and reduce fatigue, aches and pain. The Cancer Physiotherapy Service offers a 6 -12 week exercise program for any people living with and beyond a cancer diagnosis.
PA Hospital
6 -12 week exercise program

Long Term Speech Pathology Clinic
Swallowing and communication difficulties that result from radiation and surgery to the head and neck can occur during treatment or may develop or continue long after treatment has ended. Speech Pathology provides a dedicated service to assess and help manage changes in swallowing and communication after treatment. Speech Pathologists can provide advice and information on the safest and/or most comfortable foods and drinks to consume, organise further investigations of swallowing difficulties and develop rehabilitation plans with a goal to improve swallowing function. The speech pathologist can also complete assessment of communication changes and develop plans for rehabilitation or implement different communication options or strategies that may assist. Your GP or treating medical team can provide a referral to this service.
PA Hospital
Half Day Clinic