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Hearing loss (Ototoxicity)

Tinnitus, Hearing loss, Ringing in ears

Treatment for cancer, especially head and neck cancer, can causing changes to your hearing. Hearing loss may start slowly in first few years after treatment.


Radiotherapy or the chemotherapy drug cisplatin may cause ringing or other sounds in the ears. This is called tinnitus. It may improve gradually after treatment ends but sometimes it can be permanent. Your doctor will tell you if there is a chance that treatment may affect your hearing.

We've collected our favourite resources for you to read, watch, listen to, download and share to better understand and manage this concern, as well as clinical services if you would prefer to speak to someone about the emotional challenges of cancer treatment. 

Hearing after head and neck cancer treatment


We recommend this resource because...

This website explains hearing loss and tinnitus post head and neck cancer treatment with some suggestions on how to manage these symptoms.


Healthy hearing


We recommend this resource because...

This website details the different types of hearing loss that can occur with chemotherapy and radiation therapy

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