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Nausea and vomiting

Feeling sick

Nausea is the uneasy and uncomfortable feeling in your stomach that may lead to vomiting. It is a symptom many people worry about experiencing whilst on cancer treatment but it doesn’t affect everyone, and there may be different levels ranging from mild nausea to vomiting.


Controlling these symptoms will help you to feel better and prevent more serious problems such as malnutrition and dehydration. The information on this page will help you to find out more about nausea and vomiting, and ways to manage it, during and after cancer treatment.

We've collected our favourite resources for you to read, watch, listen to, download and share to better understand and manage this concern, as well as clinical services if you would prefer to speak to someone about the emotional challenges of cancer treatment. 

Nausea and vomiting factsheet


We recommend this resource because...

This fact sheet answers some common questions and gives tips about how best to manage sickness associated with cancer treatment. It also provides important advice about cleaning and chemotherapy safety.


Appetite loss and Nausea


We recommend this resource because...

In this episode, Julie chats to dietitian Merran Findlay, who has helped many people with cancer what to keep eating throughout their treatment. Merran describes some of the physical impacts of cancer treatment and how they may be different to each individual (36 minutes).


Treatment related Nausea and Vomiting


We recommend this resource because...

Reviews pathophysiology, different types of nausea and vomiting, prevention and management (including published guidelines) and nonpharmacological management.


Evidence based practice guidelines for the nutritional management of adult patients with head and neck cancer


We recommend this resource because...

Reviews the key dietetic issues in the management of adult patients with head and neck cancer (screening and referral, management during radiotherapy, follow up recommendations).

Dietitian and nutrition support services

Dietitians can provide support and practical strategies to develop a meal plan that meets your individual needs. If you would like to be linked with one of our dietitians, please ask your treating health professional to send a referral.

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Loss of appetite
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Weight changes
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