Palliative care
Palliative care can help you manage your illness, particularly pain and symptoms so you can continue to live life as well as you can while dealing with your illness. Palliative care can help at any time from a diagnosis of a life-limiting illness and and sometimes people receive palliative care while they are also accessing curative treatment for their illness. Palliative care will help you manage the journey of a life-limiting illness to maximise your quality of life until death. The amount of time on this journey will vary from person to person.
We've collected our favourite resources for you to read, watch, listen to, download and share to better understand and manage this concern, as well as clinical services if you would prefer to speak to someone about the emotional challenges of cancer treatment.
We recommend this resource because...
PalAssist provides information and support to those suffering from life-limiting illness and their support people. Support is available from 7am-7pm, 7 days a week. There are also free pdfs on issues around end of life care eg breathlessness, restlessness, stopping eating and drinking.
Palliative Care Australia - I am a Patient
We recommend this resource because...
This website explains some of the common misconceptions about Palliative Care and answers some common questions people have. There are a number of good resources on understanding palliative care and who to contact for more information.