Jaw stiffness can increase slowly over weeks to months after head and neck cancer treatment. This can make eating and speaking more difficult and even be painful to chew or talk.
An easy way to check how wide your mouth can open is to try and put 3 fingers vertically between your upper and lower front teeth. If you can only manage 1 or 2 fingers, you may have a stiff jaw.
We've collected our favourite resources for you to read, watch, listen to, download and share to better understand and manage this concern, as well as clinical services if you would prefer to speak to someone about the emotional challenges of cancer treatment.
Dietitian and nutrition support services
Dietitians can provide support and practical strategies to develop a meal plan that meets your individual needs. If you would like to be linked with one of our dietitians, please ask your treating health professional to send a referral.
Speech Pathologists
Can provide support and help to manage side effects of treatment impacting on eating and drinking. If you would like to link with one of our speech pathologists, please ask your treating health professional to send a referral.