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Taste changes (Dysguesia)

Metallic taste, Dysgeusia

Many people receiving cancer treatment report that food doesn't taste the same. Changes to taste and smell can have a big impact on your ability to eat and drink.


If you are unable taste foods, you might be less inclined to eat as eating is not as enjoyable as before your treatment. It is important to remember that eating and drinking well is an essential part of your treatment to help maintain your weight and energy levels.

We've collected our favourite resources for you to read, watch, listen to, download and share to better understand and manage this concern, as well as clinical services if you would prefer to speak to someone about the emotional challenges of cancer treatment. 

Taste Changes (Dysguesia)


We recommend this resource because...

Developed by our PAH Dietitians, this website talks about common taste changes and strategies to help with this.


Understanding Taste and Smell Changes


We recommend this resource because...

How can cancer and cancer treatment affect smell and taste? This factsheet provides answers to this and how long these changes can last.


Mouth Health and Cancer Treatment


We recommend this resource because...

Tips on looking after your mouth before, during and after treatment.


Changes to taste or smell
during cancer treatment


We recommend this resource because...

Not enjoying food? This factsheet explains why and ways to manage these changes.


Taste and Smell Changes


We recommend this resource because...

Details multiple causes of taste and smell changes, onset and duration of changes, risk factors, assessment and management strategies.

Dietitian and nutrition support services

Dietitians can provide support and practical strategies to develop a meal plan that meets your individual needs. If you would like to be linked with one of our dietitians, please ask your treating health professional to send a referral.

Oncology Nurses

Nurses can provide support and options to assist with any symptoms or concerns you may have.

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Dry mouth (Xerostomia)
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Nausea and vomiting
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Thick saliva
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Loss of appetite
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Sore mouth and throat
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Mouth care
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Swallowing difficulties (Dysphagia)
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